Friday, December 30, 2011

Short Story : Been there …Done that !

He gazed with his patient moist eyes, embedded in sunken optical craters and encircled with crows’ feet, at the two kids playing…

Mohnish picked up a stone and exerting pressure on his shoulder, even beyond his endurance limit, hurled it far. The stone went high in the sky and guided by gravitational forces traveled a long distance in the shape of an arc, before finally succumbing and falling into the pond. The touch of stone with pond created splashes in the composed pond, like a placid mind getting perturbed by a crude remark. But then, the pond gradually regained its composure and tranquility returned, like it was a saint's mind in transcendental state.

Mohnish turned towards Sparsh and challenged him with vanity, "Hey Sparsh, It’s your turn; Throw your stone and see if you can beat my record."

Sparsh feeling challenged, looked around for a stone of precise configuration, of medium size and weight, to surpass the target distance of Mohnish’s throw. The bank of the pond was a garden, proliferated with lustrous green grass, fresh and moist with morning dew .The energizer sun, benevolently disseminated its rays all over the garden. .The glare was so powerful, that gazing it could cause temporary blindness and might even mental numbness. It was better to succumb to its dominance than be brazen enough to challenge its brilliance. The garden was free of weeds and contained healthy grass properly trimmed, with small shrubs and flowers, placed in proper segments, in a defined conceptualized manner. Red, pink, yellow Roses, white lilies, yellow sunflowers, red hibiscus, pink daffodils and many more were in the array of flowers arranged in a soothing optical display of hue, rarity and nature's bounty. Children were running around and playing in the garden, hanging from the suspended roots of a huge Banyan tree placed in the middle of the garden. Elders, mostly parents, guardians and nannies were sitting in comfortable clusters of friends and acquaintances, on wooden benches and on the grass.

Amidst the setting, Sparsh vehemently continued his search for a perfect stone. It was high time to win against Mohnish. Sparsh was not a challenger innately but Mohnish's persistent dares with him in every segment of life made his spirits spike - full of charge. He wanted to shut his mouth once for all and crush his boastful declare. His search was fruitful and he found a stone of precise dimension right below the Banyan tree.

Meanwhile, getting tired by Sparsh's prolonged search, Mohnish shouted, "Hey Sparsh, you can't spend so much time searching for a stone since I picked up a random stone near the bank. What are you trying to do, get into the Guinness book of world records?"

Sparsh maintained his composure and replied, "That is not my problem, if you can't wait. Now to think of, you can get into the Guinness book of world records for having the least patience."

Mohnish was alarmed by the berating. He tensed his brow and frowned his facial muscles, to scorn at Sparsh’s defiance, "Okay, boy you are crossing the line. I'm elder to you and you should have some respect."

Sparsh, quite amused by his conquer, and with vigor struck him back again, "That is not my problem, if you were born before me. You have to give respect in order to get some."

Surprised by Sparsh’s reply again, Mohnish felt overpowered and blurted unexpectedly, "A O A A Okay Okay Sparsh, we will see that. Now hurl the stone and show me what you have got here. We can talk then."

Sparsh stood for a while and marked a point in the pond which he might have earlier thought to be far beyond his limits before hurling the stone forcefully. His throw was so intense that he nearly stumbled into the pond. The stone flew even beyond the marked point which was a several yards past the point where Mohnish's throw had landed earlier. In other words, Sparsh’s stone had stubbed Mohnish's ego.

"Wowow", Sparsh shouted with excitement," Did you see that Mohnish? It is a miracle. Aha! Ain't I good bro?"

Mohnish stood with his eyes on the verge of falling out and with his mouth open in shock.

"Hey shut your mouth Mohnish, there are lots off honey bees around."

Mohnish, not believing his eyes, screamed, "What the hell was that? It is a foul, come on, you spend hours planning your strategy and searching for a stone". His pitch was increasing with every new word and face was spurting cherry red.

Sparsh smiled, "Again Mohnish, it is your problem if you can't believe what you see."

"Let’s ask grandpa. They both ran; "Papaji, look how Sparsh is cheating," Mohnish blurted first.

Papaji's gaze blinked; He had been staring for a long time at his grandchildren and adoring their excitement. His memory oscillating like a pendulum, between present and past, relating bits and pieces of the current event with the one in his past.

He had been a participant of a similar sibling rivalry battle with his brother, the same hurling competition at the same location. He had been the elder brother then but now found himself associating with Sparsh. He gathered his spirits and spoke with a cracking voice," It was a fair contest Mohnish. Winning needs talent and your brother has shown he has a lot. You should be happy for your brother. Sometimes the best gain is to lose dear."

Mohnish, disappointed with the reply said," Oh! Papaji, I thought you would give a fair judgment. Both of you are against me."

"No, my child, I love you both equally, you are like my eyes .How will I be happy if one gets hurt? I will stand to loose my vision, right?"

Mohnish stood still, he felt his grandfather's emotions and knew that he was speaking the truth and indeed loved them both a lot. With a feeble voice he spoke, "Papaji, We have never seen you play. Join us in the stone hurling competition."

Papaji made an independent effort to stand erect, his arms taking support of the wooden bench to lift his body. Despite his old age, he could stand erect and walk faster than many others younger than him. He took his wooden stick and started walking towards the pond. The kids followed him.

Papaji was a septuagenarian, independent man of upright virtues. His lustrous hair was pristine white with black streaks, combed neatly and parting sideways. His face was still youthfully intact with the exception of sunken eyes and a few wrinkles, owing to his active lifestyle.

The bank of the pond had myriad stones of different shapes, clustered together at the junction of water and green grass. He peered through his bespectacled eyes and picked the one that caught his attention, stared at it for a while before finalizing his decision and then with a smile, hurled it with extra effort.

The stone soared high above the pond, as if it had invisible wings. It went beyond Mohnish's and flew over Sparsh's target score almost hitting the other end of the pond.

"Oh! God”, exclaimed Sparsh. "How did you do it Papaji."

Papaji laughed out loud with excitement and said," Magic my child. Actually, I have been here and done that."

The kids confused with Papaji's statement, contracted their eyebrows and gave each other a blank look.

Mohnish asked out of curiosity, "What do you mean Papaji?"

Child, long time ago, when I was young like you both, me and my brother Krishna, would visit this pond and get involved in the same kind of stone hurling competition. We used to have similar tiffs and disagreements. We all go through few phases and moments in our lives that may stress us at the time, but actually add value to our lives, growing us through experience and leaving incredible memories. Today, my experience is what helped me throw so far.”

"You are great Papaji", the kids exclaimed with happiness simultaneously. "You are a pro."

"Okay Okay now, dear children. Don’t flatter me. Let’s go. Time to go home."

The kids clasped Papaji’s hands firmly as they walked on either side, away from th pond, towards the gates. The merged fingers subtly denoted the syncing of the present and past, experience and youth. The sun was still benevolent and generously showered rays as they gradually vanished into its glare.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Children of the Pyre .....


Rajesh S Jala, a Delhi based documentary filmmaker has been making documentaries for more than a decade. His 2006 documentary “Floating lamp of the shadow valley” based on life of a nine-year-old son of a Kashmiri militant received many accolades and was screened at various International film festivals such as Raindance film festival in London , Amsterdam documentary film festival and Palm spring film festival in USA .

His recent award winning 74-minute documentary “Children of the Pyre (2008)” is a shuddery tale of seven children aged between nine to fifteen years, making a livelihood by collecting coffin shrouds from the dead bodies at the Varanasi’s Manikarnika cremation Ghat. The seven principle characters Ravi , Yogi, Manish, Sunil, Kapil, Ashish and Gagan collect shrouds by snatching or stealing them from the burning pyres and selling it for a meager amount of two rupees to the local shopkeepers, who later refurbishes and re-sells them for twenty five or thirty rupees.

A tender age where education and playground should be an integral part of their upliftment, these seven children are faced with the gruesome realities in life of child labor and untouchability. The struggles of daily survival have made them convert the cremation ground into a source of livelihood and playground for fun and frolic. The children belong to the community of “Dom Caste”, workers on the cremation ground who are considered untouchable by the society due to their close association with the dead bodies. The innocence of the seven children and many like them are bruised by the dogmatic belief and social stigma of untouchability and they often succumb to invectives, appalling work conditions and intake of drugs like marijuana to escape the macabre nightmares of the burning human dead bodies.

“Children of the Pyre” won many accolades when screened at the international film festivals in Pusan, Amsterdam, Leipzig, Thessaloniki, IFFI Goa and Tampere Film Festivals and has won awards as the best documentary film at the Montreal World Film festival, Canada and the Sao Paulo International film Festivals, Brazil. Recently, the documentary filmmaker has been invited to the American Premiere at IFFLA ( Los Angeles ) for a festival screening on 25th of April 2009. In case any one is interested in meeting him or screening the film during his tenure, he can be reached at

Children of The Pyre was awarded best documentary (Grand Jury Prize) at IFFLA. The film website:

1.What was your inspiration behind making a documentary like “Children of the pyre”?
I was always keen to make a film on Banaras . Two and a half years back I went to Banaras for a recci and I spent a month there. During this period I got an opportunity to meet these extraordinary 7 children.  I was shocked to see the kind of work these kids do.  Immediately I decided to do this film. This unusual subject, children working at the busiest cremation ground in India , inspired me to do this film

2.How was it working with the seven principal characters?
Initially the kids treated me like any other visitor but when they saw me spending most of the time with them, following them through days and nights, their perception changed and so did their approach towards me. Gradually we became friends  
Shooting at Manikarnika cremation ground was the biggest shooting challenge in my 12 years of filmmaking career. Besides physical and emotional challenges, there were lots of hurdles we had to face. At times we had to face the wrath of the relatives accompanying the dead body. And some times the local crematories or touts would intimidate us. But gradually, we built up a good rapport with the locals and eventually, almost everybody supported us.

3.Please tell us the message you wanted to convey through your documentary.
I want to convey a number of messages through the film. To highlight the miserable conditions of millions of ill-fated children who don't get an opportunity to go to school. Millions of children who are working under extreme sub human conditions at a tender age and to highlight the menace of untouchability and inequality in our country. 

4.What were the difficulties you faced while filming in such a macabre environment at the Varanasi cremation ground and how did it effect you at a personal level?
This film has left a deep impact on me. Filming at a cremation ground, where almost 150 dead bodies are cremated each day was one of the most difficult experiences I have gone through. Especially in the beginning it was an emotional torture to shoot at this cremation ground. Dead bodies coming after every 10 minutes with the chants of Ram naam satya hai (Lord Rama’s name is the truth) echoing in the air almost create a haunting environment at Manikarnika. During the peak summer schedule, the temperature at the ground was above 50 degrees and we shot there for many days. The whole crew got sick. Our energy was drained out. I was limping and I could hardly talk. At personnel level, following these kids for 18 months taught me a big lesson that these kids are more courageous and tolerant then me.

5.Please share with us your plan to open a “Children of the pyre” trust for rehabilitating the kids working at the cremation grounds.
I am very keen to transform the lives of these kids. We are in the process of consulting and approaching some leading NGO’s to take up this issue. Hopefully, very soon, we will collaborate with an NGO to accomplish this noble mission of rehabilitating these underprivileged children.

6.Did you expect the documentary to gain tremendous publicity and win accolades? How do you feel about the response and appreciation?
I believed in the strength of the subject and the quality of the film. But I didn’t expect the tremendous publicity and accolades it gained. Thankfully, the film is getting an overwhelming response. The film was awarded best documentary at Montreal World Film Festival, Canada and Sao Paulo International Film Festival, Brazil , 2008. The film was either in competition or officially selected at Pusan , Amsterdam , Leipzig , Thessaloniki , IFFI Goa and Tampere Film Festivals.

7. How do you plan to promote the documentary and where are your future screening of the documentary to be held?
The film will have its American Premiere at IFFLA ( Los Angeles ) on 25th of April 2009. The film is also selected at forthcoming Munich Film Festival in May. There are a couple of international distributors interested in acquiring the rights of the film. Hopefully, you will see the film on some American or European channels in 2009.

8. Any personal message you would like to convey to the aspiring documentary filmmakers.
Think films,… eat films…, sleep films and make films.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Article : Program your subconscious Mind ....

Programming our subconscious mind is the key to success. Feeding our mind with positive affirmations and positive thoughts continuously programs our subconscious mind to influence our actions and attitudes. The thoughts, views and ideas stored in our subconscious mind forms our personality traits like attitude, memory, belief and habits. The subconscious mind has tremendous influence over our entire body and actions. It has power to influence our mind in terms of indulgence, reacting, acting, thinking and remembering.

What is subconscious mind?
The two fragments of mind are namely conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the general state of awareness of our mind with which we logically react, think or remember.
The subconscious mind is part of mind that exists beyond the conscious mind. It is a reservoir of impressions of past lives or present lives experiences. These experiences get stored in form of impression in our subconscious mind, which develops, into tendencies or inclinations. The tendencies in contact with an external stimulus influence us to react accordingly.

Example: At a subconscious level if we have an inclination or tendency to indulge in gambling then external stimuli like a gambling party will influence us into indulging in it accordingly. 

Influence of subconscious mind on our actions:
If we have negative tendencies or negative emotions filled in our subconscious mind, then our attitude inclines towards pessimism due to accumulation of negative attitude, beliefs and habits in form of low self esteem, anger, hatred, jealousy, low self confidence etc. The negative thoughts stored at subconscious level influences us to think and react in a negative or restraint manner. The degenerative thoughts repel positivity, which results in succumbing to incorrect practices, leading to failures in life. If we think we will fail, then our subconscious mind influences us to think and react accordingly. This is the reason why few people try hard to break their habits and are unsuccessful because of the rigid tendencies and negative emotions stored at the subconscious level.
In similar manner, if we fill our subconscious mind with positive thoughts, then we incline towards optimism resulting in uplifting of positive emotions, attitude, beliefs and habits in form of high self-esteem, love, belongingness, creativity, calmness etc. The positive emotions and thoughts stored at the subconscious level influences us to think and react in a positive manner. If we think we will succeed, then our subconscious mind influences us to think and react accordingly.

Importance of Meditation:
Programming of subconscious mind can be best achieved by meditation. In meditation, we knock off the conscious mind and get in touch with our subconscious mind. This state is called the "ALPHA" state and in this state we can feed positive affirmation and positive thoughts. In "ALPHA" state we can imagine the impossible. Imagination is called "VIKALPA" in yoga and it creates wonders in programming a person's mind to act in the direction of imagination and achieve greater things in life. Imagination in your subconscious mind transforms into actions in the real world. In "ALPHA" state, we can imagine our goal, visualize success, feed our subconscious mind with positive affirmations, which builds positive tendencies, positive emotions and positive attitude towards life, which in turn results in good wellbeing in terms of success, health and positive actions.

You can program your subconscious mind:

*Using positive affirmations: Positive affirmations are concise positive statements used to override your negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. Positive affirmations can be also be used to replace negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred with positive emotions like strength, calmness and belongingness. This also helps in breaking negative tendency in form of bad habits and also tendency of backsliding into bad habits again. Positive affirmations can be used to build harmony, self-esteem, joy, love, health etc.   
*Few random examples of positive affirmations: I’m successful, I’m grateful, I have the power to change, I’m at peace with myself etc. Short statements like these can be constructed to tailor specific needs.  *Visualizing success: If you desire to achieve a goal, then visualize the steps to achieve it till the actual goal. A visualization technique works best in meditation and hypnosis process.
*Journalize: Document list of positive thoughts and affirmations in a diary. This can be done as a daily process too.
*Keep a good company: Encourage yourself in the company of positive people.
*Read: Reading motivational or inspiration books helps in building up positive attitude.
*Appreciate yourself: Stop being critical about yourself and appreciate yourself.
*Recreational Time: Spend quality time to rejuvenate yourself by exercise, yoga or meditation.

As Swami Vivekananda said,"Feed your mind with highest thoughts, all positive and no negative, high ideals, place them day and night before you and out of that will come great work. Repeat it till it is in your flesh and bone and in every drop of blood. Meditate upon it and out of that will come great work".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Interview : Let's Rock with Prithvi !

Prithvi formed in late 2004 , is a Delhi (Noida) ,India based four man Hard rock band led by frontman Arjun Kaul as band's lead vocalist / guitarist , Bhim Kaul as drummer / backup vocalist, Sahil Mehta as bass guitarist / backup vocalist and Akshat Bhardwaj on keyboards / backup vocalist.They have around 100 live concerts - college festivals, professional and promotional shows to their credit. Prithvi's concerts and special appearances have been telecasted by NDTV, Headlines today, Zee News, Sahara, DD1, DD Sports and published in leading dailies like Times of India,The Tribune and Indian Express.

Prithvi's Band members are established professional in diverse arena, Arjun Kaul is a Software Engineer working as an Instructional Designer with Kaplan India, Bhim Kaul is an Electrical Engineer working as business analyst with Sheffield Haworth, Akshat Bhardwaj is pursuing Mass Communications studies at IIMC and Sahil Mehta is a commerce graduate from Sriram College of Commerce as a Chartered Accountant with Grand Thornton

They are popular among college crowds and their live shows are entertaining , delivering an unforgettable experience.
The main drive behind Prithvi is their passion for music.

Please tell us your inspiration behind starting “Prithvi” Band and when was it formed?
 Arjun: The band was formed in 2004. I decided to start the band as a means to start playing rock music with other like minded people.
  Who are the band members and how did you find each other?
Arjun : The band members are:
Arjun: Voice and Guitar
Bhim: Drums
Akshat: Keyboards
Sahil: Bass
Bhim is my brother. Akshat and Sahil were childhood friends of Bhim.
I had already been playing rock and guitar for about 4 years. So when I decided to start the band, I decided to fill in the empty positions with people who were nice. So we found these guys and I trained them to play rock music

How did you come up with the band's name "Prithvi"?
Arjun: We were chilling out in the park outside my house in Sector 34, Noida.
We were trying to come up with a name for the band. I looked at the earth beneath or feet, the earth that sustains and holds our darkest desires, secrets, joys, sorrows, the earth unto which we're born and into which we shall go. PRITHVI was all I cold think of.

  What is “Prithvi” all about?
 Arjun: Prithvi is all about people coming together and experiencing the wonder of life, love, mystery, and passion in person.

  What was the initial struggle of forming the band like?
 Arjun : There was never a struggle. I always thought we were great. It just took some time for other people to listen and realize the same :)
We learnt a lot of how the music business works and we did everything ourselves. Rather than depending on event management firms and the like to do shows for us, we planned, organized, and held our own shows, found our own sponsors. It was a very fulfilling rewarding and enriching experience.
   Feelings about Rock music and how it is different from other music genres.. 

Arjun :Rock music is:
Other forms of music wish they could have the same aura, attitude, and reputation that rock music has.Rock music is and has always been a revolution. It's not unlike the coming of the Lord.
It kills stagnation and mediocrity.

Rock music is rare. Bollywood and pop music is aplenty.
The reason for this is simple.
To play rock music, you need tremendous patience, passion, training, and talent.
It's a lot easier for people to play and perform in Bollywood style settings.
It's also about culture and upbringing. It's actually a bohemian way of life. It's very spiritual and yet its world shaking.

What helps you maintain proper balance between your passion and work? Also, besides music what are you all involved with?
Arjun : A clear sense of purpose helps us keep that balance. We know that our work lives are important for us to maintain our present living standard. At the same time, it's our music that is our true love. Our jobs help us kill time while gearing up for shows.
Although we're all well established professionals:
Software Engineer working as an Instructional Designer with Kaplan India
Electrical Engineer working as business analyst with Sheffield Haworth
Pursuing Mass Communications studies at IIMC
Commerce graduate from Sriram College of Commerce. Chartered Accountant with Grand Thornto.

Tell us about your parents support in your passion.....
: All our parents are very proud and share in our passion for music. We're grateful to them for their blessings and support.

 What do you think of the current scene of Rock Music in India and how easy/hard has it been to get exposure for the band?
: Things are better than ever. It's easier than ever for a band to form and get noticed. The only problem is that a lot of the people out there, who would want to have a rock band play for them, want it for free or cheap. It's an Indian endemic. People want things for free.

   Various rock concerts and platforms in India you perform in? We have done about a 100 shows all over India. The full list is available on our website.

 Future Plans for prithvi.....
Arjun :
To write Music that is unique, expressive, and fun. We also plan to tour abroad and basically take our music to new places and people.

Message to the youth worldwide...

Arjun :
Live healthy and congruently, invest in yourselves, know that your destiny is completely in your won hands.
Links of “prithvi” band..
* Webpage :
* MP3s :* Video :
* Blog :
Musicians that inspire you.....Arjun : There are many:
Guns'n'Roses, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Van Halen, Steve Vai, Megadeth, Bands of the NWOBHM, Kings X, Sufi Music, etc

Additional Information about The Band

PRITHVI, based in Noida, India is a four man Hard Rock outfit that has won audiences around
the world with its music.This is one of the coolest and most different Hard Rock acts out there.
Led by frontman Arjun Kaul, PRITHVI plays a unique style of hard rock that has the perfect
balance of eclecticism and street-cred.

The sound of PRITHVI embodies soaring vocals, majestic guitar playing, swinging rhythms, and
memorable melodies. It fuses mystic exotic rhythms and melodies with the energy and frenzy of

Musical Influences
Each brings a unique style to the band.
Akshat: Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, and Moby. His influences help create an aura of sound that is
layered and textured.
Sahil: 80s Metal: Van Halen Whitesnake and Pakistani Rock.He has a keen sense of melody and
rhythm with a penchant for creative emotion.
Bhim: Megadeth, Slayer, and Guns'n'Roses. His influences have blessed us with one of the
grooviest and hardest hitting percussion sections in the country.
Arjun: Steve Vai, Soundgarden, Robert Johnson, and Queen. His influences are unmistakable in
his operatic singing and guitar playing ability.

Live Shows

PRITHVI are a sight to behold live. One of the best live acts you'll ever see, a PRITHVI show is
an unforgettable experience. An experience you will cherish forever. Given the coolness and appeal of the band, PRITHVI have become icons for college and school going youth in Delhi. PRITHVI is now synonymous with talent, coolness, and sex appeal. Versatile and entertaining, PRITHVI are the perfect choice for special events, product launches, parties, and corporate events. PRITHVI have played over a hundred shows.

  • Creepy EP (EP)
  • Live Like a Real Live Thing (EP)
  • Live at Bennigan's CD and DVD
  • Live at Chicane (DVD)
  • Live at Centrestage (VCD)
PRITHVI Mini News Feed
  • Promoted Maruti Swift for two seasons. That resulted in record Swift sales during 2005-2006
  • Played at the Prestigious Noida Golf Course various times including a rocking New Years Ball 2008
  • Launched Jameson Smooth Irish Whiskey in India on 21st Dec 2007.
  • Have played at ALL major bars and pubs in Delhi: Tabula Rasa, Club Odyssey,Turquoise cottage, Café Morrison, Chicane, Rock Café, Saffire etc
  • Played at JAM Magazine’s JAM CAT concert
  • Have promoted the following brands: Sandpiper, Seagrams, Fosters, and DSP Black.
  • Have performed for Meow FM's Anniversary Celebrations at Lutyens, MG Road, New Delhi, June08
  • Headlining College Festivals:
    • Punjab University's Goonj '06
    • Kamla Nehru College's Journo Junction '06
    • SRCC Crossroads '06
    • SPA Utopia '07
Televised Shows:
  • Concerts and special appearances on:
    • NDTV
    • Headlines Today
    • DD1
    • Sahara NCR - Full Length Interview
    • DD Sports – Live Pre-International Tennis Match Show
    • Zee news – Live for World Music Day
In Print:
  • Covered by leading dailies like:
    • The Times of India
    • The Indian Express
    • The Tribune and tabloids like
    • The Campus Paper
    • Today – Mid Week
    • Outlook
    • Express, JAM Magazine & First City Magazine
Have shared the stage with leading Indian bands: Parikrama, Zero, Moksha, Nakshatra, Prestorika, Bandish and Bobby Cash.
• Played at the Dhanaulty Rocks Music Festival in 2005 and 2006
• Have been acclaimed as one of the best “Guns n’ Roses” cover bands on international forums (check webpage for
• Our composition “Mistaken” is a frequent play at “Hard Rock Café” – Dublin, Ireland.
• Our “Guns n’ Roses” tribute night at Chicane sports lounge, Noida had a turn out of over 350 people, the highest
ever there.
• Over 80 shows in just over 3 yrs.

Competitions:• Winner of DNA Networks Rockilution Competition. Represented Delhi at Hard Rock Café, Mumbai.
• Runners Up at IIT Roorkee's Rock Competition '06,WINNING Best Guitarist and Best Drummer
• 2nd Runners Up at IIT Kanpur Synchronicity '06
• Finalists at SPA Utopia '06
• Best Band, Best Guitarist, Best Vocalist Awards at Amity – New Delhi, Decibel '06
• Runners Up at NIFT U'TH QUOTIENT '07

Costing (Inclusive of sound and light charges)
Rs 50, 000 for Bar/Pub gigs
Rs 1,00,000 for College festivals, special events etc.

The Bottom Line
The band embodies powerful charismatic performance, soulful Music, and great stage presence.
These are what make a great rock n’ roll act. The sheer energy and joy can be seen and felt from
our live acts. We have won audiences everywhere we have played and leave people gasping for
more. The experience that is remembered for times to come.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Interview : Maximo Park !


While seeking contributions for our “Spirit of Youth“ section in January, we received an email titled “My Brother’s Bravado” from a young lady, Meghna Tiku. The content of the email was brief but it beautifully conveyed the sense of happiness and pride that a sister had for her brother’s achievement as a musician (rockstar) . Through this email, the team at Shehjar was thrilled to gain access to a recognized talent in our community ,“Archis Tiku“, base guitarist for the Newcastle-English Indie band “Maximo Park”. We specially thank Meghna Tiku for sharing her brother’s achievement with us, fellow community members. The team at Shehjar is pleased to present the readers with an interview of Archis Tiku and his family. We would like to thank Archis and his family for being very co-operative throughout the interview.

“Archis Tiku” was born in Mumbai and migrated to England with his parents, Mr. Ram Tiku and Mrs. Aparna Tiku when he was a year old. He was passionate about guitar since the age of six and dreamed of being a rock star since then. He is qualified as a medical doctor from the prestigious university in England and soon after his graduation, his band Maximo Park was signed by Warp Record Label. The band has released two albums Certain trigger and Earthly pleasures and is recording their third album this year. They have sold nearly a million albums all over the world. The band has played with the famous group Rolling Stones in Norway and Sweden, with Killers in Washington and Wisconsin and at around 120 gigs all over the world, including at many festivals.

This interview was deemed necessary, not just for presenting a special talent within our community but also to set a spark of inspiration in our aspiring musicians. People dream and carry passion for a reason; it is to experience an ecstatic sense of happiness and fulfillment. We hope that the commitment of Archis and his family towards his passion- music will inspire parents to encourage their children towards arts or any other field that they choose to excel in.

Archis's interview
1. Archis, please let us know your inspiration behind being a musician and starting Maximo Park Band?

I grew up listening to all kinds of music ranging from Indian film and classical to indie-rock on the radio. I learnt guitar from a friend at 6th form college and was asked to join a band on starting university. That is when I met Duncan the guitarist and a few years later we formed Maximo Park.

2. Please tell us your family's role in building you up as an individual and as a musician?
My family was very supportive from the beginning and they had a wide variety of music tastes which opened my mind to possibilities in music. Home life was fun with lots of family get-togethers and great food. We also enjoyed great holidays to places such as France, India and USA
3. What is Maximo Park Band all about and what is your role in the band
I am the bass guitarist in the band. Maximo Park as a band is about democracy and the freedom to write and create music in any style.

4. Please tell us something about your band members?
There are five people in the band:
Tom English- drums
Paul Smith- singer
Lukas Wooller- keyboard
Duncan Lloyd- guitarist and myself on bass guitar.

5. What were the initial stages of the band like and what were the challenges that you faced from the inception phase till now?

Initially in our careers we played a lot in our home town of Newcastle. We played as a support band and we also did several tours across the UK of small venues whilst staying in budget hotels. It took a while for us to progress but that period improved our ability to play and perform. Looking back we worked hard but it felt easy at the time.

6. You have a demanding job that requires extensive travel. What makes you maintain a proper balance between your work, social activities and family members?

I am close to my family and see them whenever we are free. I have a good group of close friends whom I have known for a long time. That stability keeps life in perspective and keeps me grounded.

7. You are qualified as a doctor, so how do you explain this transition from a doctor to a musician (rock star) and what do you associate yourself more with a doctor or a musician (rock star)?
I would say that I associate more with being a musician. There was no real transition between medicine and music as I was doing both hand in hand throughout university. I had always hoped for success in music so when the time came to put medicine on the shelf the decision was easy.

8. At a personal level how will you describe yourself, your hobbies and how do you spend your leisure time?

I am quite laid-back and in my spare time I like to play football, go to gigs, see friends and go out to eat.

9. Which musicians are your inspirations?

The musicians and bands that inspire me include: Led Zepellin, Crosby Stills and Nash, the Byrds, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, the Go-Betweens, the Strokes, Bob Dylan and Indian classical musicians such as Bhimsen Joshi, Zakir Hussain and Ravi Shankar.

10. Please let us know about your past and recent albums.

 Our first album A Certain Trigger had an edgy new wave feel and our second most recent album Our Earthly Pleasures was more of an alternative rock album. We are writing new material at the moment for the third record so there is only a scattering of gigs lined up.

11. Tell us about your past, recent events, upcoming performances and future plans of Maximo Park Band?

We will be going to Australia for a week in March to do a festival and a few gigs and during the summer we will play at festivals around Europe including Summercase (Barcelona), Hurricane (Germany) and V (UK).

12. Any special message for the youth worldwide.

My advice to anyone who has musical ambitions is to believe in yourself and try and try again till you reach your goal. Also make your musical dreams a reality.

13. Links for the band website.
There is a maximopark my space and is the webpage.