Thursday, October 27, 2011

Article : Program your subconscious Mind ....

Programming our subconscious mind is the key to success. Feeding our mind with positive affirmations and positive thoughts continuously programs our subconscious mind to influence our actions and attitudes. The thoughts, views and ideas stored in our subconscious mind forms our personality traits like attitude, memory, belief and habits. The subconscious mind has tremendous influence over our entire body and actions. It has power to influence our mind in terms of indulgence, reacting, acting, thinking and remembering.

What is subconscious mind?
The two fragments of mind are namely conscious mind and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the general state of awareness of our mind with which we logically react, think or remember.
The subconscious mind is part of mind that exists beyond the conscious mind. It is a reservoir of impressions of past lives or present lives experiences. These experiences get stored in form of impression in our subconscious mind, which develops, into tendencies or inclinations. The tendencies in contact with an external stimulus influence us to react accordingly.

Example: At a subconscious level if we have an inclination or tendency to indulge in gambling then external stimuli like a gambling party will influence us into indulging in it accordingly. 

Influence of subconscious mind on our actions:
If we have negative tendencies or negative emotions filled in our subconscious mind, then our attitude inclines towards pessimism due to accumulation of negative attitude, beliefs and habits in form of low self esteem, anger, hatred, jealousy, low self confidence etc. The negative thoughts stored at subconscious level influences us to think and react in a negative or restraint manner. The degenerative thoughts repel positivity, which results in succumbing to incorrect practices, leading to failures in life. If we think we will fail, then our subconscious mind influences us to think and react accordingly. This is the reason why few people try hard to break their habits and are unsuccessful because of the rigid tendencies and negative emotions stored at the subconscious level.
In similar manner, if we fill our subconscious mind with positive thoughts, then we incline towards optimism resulting in uplifting of positive emotions, attitude, beliefs and habits in form of high self-esteem, love, belongingness, creativity, calmness etc. The positive emotions and thoughts stored at the subconscious level influences us to think and react in a positive manner. If we think we will succeed, then our subconscious mind influences us to think and react accordingly.

Importance of Meditation:
Programming of subconscious mind can be best achieved by meditation. In meditation, we knock off the conscious mind and get in touch with our subconscious mind. This state is called the "ALPHA" state and in this state we can feed positive affirmation and positive thoughts. In "ALPHA" state we can imagine the impossible. Imagination is called "VIKALPA" in yoga and it creates wonders in programming a person's mind to act in the direction of imagination and achieve greater things in life. Imagination in your subconscious mind transforms into actions in the real world. In "ALPHA" state, we can imagine our goal, visualize success, feed our subconscious mind with positive affirmations, which builds positive tendencies, positive emotions and positive attitude towards life, which in turn results in good wellbeing in terms of success, health and positive actions.

You can program your subconscious mind:

*Using positive affirmations: Positive affirmations are concise positive statements used to override your negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. Positive affirmations can be also be used to replace negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred with positive emotions like strength, calmness and belongingness. This also helps in breaking negative tendency in form of bad habits and also tendency of backsliding into bad habits again. Positive affirmations can be used to build harmony, self-esteem, joy, love, health etc.   
*Few random examples of positive affirmations: I’m successful, I’m grateful, I have the power to change, I’m at peace with myself etc. Short statements like these can be constructed to tailor specific needs.  *Visualizing success: If you desire to achieve a goal, then visualize the steps to achieve it till the actual goal. A visualization technique works best in meditation and hypnosis process.
*Journalize: Document list of positive thoughts and affirmations in a diary. This can be done as a daily process too.
*Keep a good company: Encourage yourself in the company of positive people.
*Read: Reading motivational or inspiration books helps in building up positive attitude.
*Appreciate yourself: Stop being critical about yourself and appreciate yourself.
*Recreational Time: Spend quality time to rejuvenate yourself by exercise, yoga or meditation.

As Swami Vivekananda said,"Feed your mind with highest thoughts, all positive and no negative, high ideals, place them day and night before you and out of that will come great work. Repeat it till it is in your flesh and bone and in every drop of blood. Meditate upon it and out of that will come great work".