Monday, September 8, 2008

Excerpt from my story Ecstasy...........

She ends her telephonic conversation , places the phone on the table and fragilely runs her fingers through her hair, entagling her black silky threads at the brink with fingers drawing circle in the air.An outburst of overwhelming emotions fuels her yearning and her imagination slowly transcends into reality evolving a mirage of desire at a point in space where her eyes lay fixed in trance . As her mind vehemently explores the territory of unexperienced feelings,she relaxes her facial muscles and releases an involuntary smile .Her lips extending with an honest effort to meet her eyes. Eyes, narrating a story of her enamored soul and soften with moist zing in recognition of the newly discovered ecstasy.
Her heart starts beating faster than the normal rhythm, giving birth to coyness and gripping her cheeks in form of blush .The pink hue spreads gradually all over her face, like a liquid strain slowly spreading on a blotting paper and she bubbles with freshness of a child .She softly bites her lips lopsidedly ,as fanciful images trapped in her mind ,flashes authentically in front of her eyes.Her eyelids twinkling at regular interval, influenced by her emotional intensity .

A gust of cool breeze, finding route through the window , trespasses over her mesmerized contours.Her hair succumbing to the force of the nature gets helplessly scattered in all the direction. She swirls her body with arms wide open pointing towards the sky, runs erratically towards her bed , jumps on it as if playing a
trampoline and
enjoying every bit of this whimsical state.
Suddenly, a voice breaks the silence of her solitude.
"Kashish , Kashish , join us for dinner Beta , food is getting cold".....

She halts her insane activity after hearing an earnest plea from her mother, much to her dismay .She tries to gain composure and sits back on the love seat , inhales deeply and exhales slowly with a smile on her face.....

Replies back ," Yes , Mother .Will be downstairs in 5 mins."

Rushes towards the restroom , opens the tap and splashes water all over her face .Stares into the mirror , smiles intoxicatingly and says ," Yes , This is love , am in love." .................................

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