Friday, May 1, 2009

The Essence of hinduism

This is a common question, I have encountered, by many curious onlooker of Hindusim,that
Why are Hindus polytheistic?

This is my retort , No, they are not!
And why ?
*According to Sanatana Dharma:

1.There is only one unseen force , formless, absolute energy, called “Brahman” , everything within our perception is its extension.We cannot define god , as we have not seen it , hence we create epithets to define its existence in various forms of God and Goddesses (like ganesh, laxmi, saraswati etc) ,same supreme one with various names.It is different representation of the absolute supreme power as a bestower of gifts , like, for bestower of wealth we represent the same absolute energy as Goddess Laxmi , for bestower of wisdom we represent the same absolute energy as Goddess Saraswati , for bestower of success we represent the same absolute energy as God Ganesha, etc.Again , we pray to the existence of absolute energy in these forms and not the idols itself and they represent different ways to fulfill one's spiritual quest.There is no mention of myraid gods and goddesses in the holy scriptures.
In Vasistha's Yoga , the concept is explained in simple terms, from a single element gold(creator) we create many ornaments like rings, chain, bracelet, ear rings(created) etc of different shapes and names, one precious metal gold alone has assumed these distinct forms to accomplish different functions or serve different purposes of the buyer(worshipper).
To simplify it even further : We too , have different names and personality, at school we have a formal name/persona, at home we have a nick name/persona , with friends we have a jovial name/persona , but we are the same person.
2.Also , as human mind is an unstable form of energy, we require a point of concentration (in this case an idol) , to accumulate all energies in a single point, in order to amplify our stability.Again, it is not compulsory to pray with an idol in front of us and it is fine if one can do without it.
3. We also venerate the creation of god , since its essence pervades in all its creation like trees, birds , plants ,rivers etc.
Explained in Vasistha's Yoga , The created (like a Gold bracelet)is the same substance as that of the creator(Gold).
Hence , no harm is inflicted on us if we bow down in reverence to its creation , animate or inanimate existence or further more , create an idol with devotion and love , indicating the presence of supreme energy pervading in all its creation .If God created plants, then there is no harm in bowing down to a Basil plant , or its idol , as a part of the ritual .Doesn't it denote humbleness and respect for the existence of essence of god in it ? Or are plants , just an entity on our dinner platter , to satify our intermittent appetite.
People who define god's existence, are
either humans or exalted humans (prophets) .Isn't it? .No one has seen God , only seen its creation, in abundance and our vener
ation towards any of it's manifestations are practices to accomplish and fortify our faith , equanimity and spiritual quests.
As Lord Krishna says in Geeta: "Whatever deity or form, a devotee worships, I make his faith steady".
~With Aum

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